ESG - Evangelische Studierendengemeinde

The DBH is part of the ESG Bonn. The office of the ESG, its premises, and the DBH are all in the same location. ESG stands for Evangelical Student Community. Anyone who has something to do with the university and wants to be part of it can be involved. So, whether you live in the DBH or not, whether you are evangelical or not, you are warmly invited to attend ESG events.

A good opportunity for this is every Wednesday during the semester. Starting at 8 p.m., the "ESG on Wednesday" evening takes place, which can be organized in various ways. 

But the ESG Bonn also includes a choir, a theater group, and, of course, the worship services, which take place every two weeks on Sunday evenings during the semester in the devotional room. You can find current information, the semester program, and contact persons on the ESG's own website.